臭氧發生器產生的臭氧殺菌作用是生物的氧化過程,臭氧的強化作用使微生物細胞中的多種成分產生氧化, 從而產生不可逆變的變化而死亡。一般臭氧殺滅病毒是通過直接破壞其核糖核酸(RNA)和DNA物質完成的。而殺滅細菌、霉菌類微生物則是臭氧首先作用于細胞壁, 使膜構成分受損傷,導致新陳代謝障礙并抑制其生長, 臭氧繼續滲透破壞膜內組織,直至殺死微生物。溫度增加可提高滅菌率一由于高溫下細胞膨脹變薄,其組織容易被臭氧破壞。從而使細菌的物質代謝生產和繁殖過程遭到破壞。臭氧對各類細菌和病毒都具有*的殺滅作用。如甲醛、二甲苯、有機廢氣等有毒有害氣體,且發生作用后自動還原為氧氣,綠色環保,無二次污染。
Ozone generator generates ozofl~sterilization is the biological oxidation
process,the strong OZOHe oxidation microbial ceils in a variety of ingredients to
produce oxidation,resulting in irreversible deformation and death general ozon~
to kiLl virus is through direct destruction of the ribonucleic acid(RNA)and
substance DNA completed to kill bacteria,ftmgi microorganism is ozol~e firstly
acts on the cell wall,so that the membrane structure damage,leading to the
HeW supersedes the old ba~ier and inhibiting the growth of ozone destntctlon,
continues to penetrate the membrane within the organization,until the killing
of microorganisms Increasing temperature can improve the sterilizing Tare-一due
to high tempreature cell expansion thinning,the tissue is easy to ozone
destcuction so that the bacterial metabolism production and reproduction
process of destruction ozone off various bacteria and virus has s~ong killing
effect such as formaldehyde,xylene,organicwaste gasandothertoxic and harmful gases,and after taking effect automatically reduced to oxygen,green environmental protection,no two pollution
: 2666583